
Privacy policy


Information concerning the processing of personal data, in accordance with article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 of 30 June 2003.With regard to this, we wish to inform you that the personal data voluntarily provided by you to activate the requested services will be handled by MLSS Azienda Agricola e Agrituristica, the company that runs the https://www.valicodeipellegrini.it website, by taking appropriate measures to ensure safety and confidentiality, in compliance with the above regulations.

1. Information collection

1.1 This information pertains to data collected in the “Information Request” sections.

1.2 Any request for information shall be verified by MLSS Azienda Agricola e Agrituristica through a system that requires you to enter a confirmation code (Captcha); this procedure aims to avoid making requests for information by automated programmes.

2. Data processing purposes and methods

2.1 The data collected in the cases referred to in 1.1. is exclusively treated for the following purposes:

Establishing relationships with users, in particular in order to respond to requests for information and assistance
Sending information about new initiatives under the ww.valicodeipellegrini.it website
Performing statistical analysis
Complying with legal obligations

2.2 Processing shall be carried out either manually or with the aid of electronic or automated instruments, and shall include – within the limits and conditions laid down in Article 11 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/03 – all transactions or series of transactions, provided for in the same decree under the term “processing.”

3. Nature of data provision

3.1 The provision of personal data is optional. However, the failure to provide even part of the data requested in the required fields of the various modules will make it impossible for MLSS Azienda Agricola e Agrituristica to proceed to the complete delivery of the services offered through the www.valicodeipellegrini.it web site.

4. Data communication and dissemination

4.1 The personal data collected will not be disclosed or communicated to third parties, except in the cases provided for by the information and/or by law and, in any case, in the manner permitted thereunder.

5. Rights of the user

5.1 Personal information correction/updating.

Art. 7 of Decree 196/2003 grants the user the exercise of specific rights. In particular:

The user has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning him/her, even if not yet recorded, and the communication thereof in intelligible form.
The user shall have the right to be informed of:
The source of the personal data
The processing purposes and methods
The logic applied to the processing, if the latter is carried out with the help of electronic means;
The data identifying the data controller, data processors and the designated representative under Article 5, paragraph 2
The subjects or categories of subjects to whom data may be communicated or who can learn about it, as an appointed representative within the Italian territory, a data processor or an agent.
The user shall have the right to obtain:
Updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of data;
Deletion, anonymization or blocking of data that has been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which it has been collected or subsequently processed;
Certification to the effect that the operations as per letters a) and b) have been notified, also as regards its content, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected.
The user shall have the right to object, in whole or in part:
On legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even though it is relevant to the purpose of the collection
To the processing of personal data concerning him/her, where it is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the performance of market or commercial communication surveys.

You may exercise these rights by sending an email to info@valicodeipellegrini.it.

6. Data Controller and Data Processor
The Data Controller and Data Processor is MLSS Azienda Agricola e Agrituristica, based at Via Ancara, 1 – Spoleto – 06049 (PG), Italy

MLSS Azienda Agricola e Agrituristica respects the privacy of every user.
E-mail addresses and any other personal data are kept by MLSS Azienda Agricola e Agrituristica only to process requests. In no case will they be sold or disclosed to third parties.
Every personal data processing procedure complies with the Italian law, and in particular with art. 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, “Personal Data Protection Code.” By filling out the request form and accepting these conditions, the Client allows permission to the treatment and communication of his/her own personal data for the aims indicated.


MLSS Azienda Agricola e Agrituristica, Via Ancara, 1 06049 Spoleto (PG) – email info@valicodeipellegrini.it, PEC ???????? is responsible for personal data protection.